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Mixed race relationships differ between generations

By Sunny Hundal
December 13 2012




It is being called ‘The Melting Pot Generation’ – with Jessica Ennis as one of the most high profile examples.

A report published yesterday by the think-tank British Future, timed to coincide with the release of Census 2011 data, shows a dramatic shift in British attitudes to mixed relationships.

It points out that when parents of Olympic champion Jessica Ennis met in Sheffield in the 1980s, a majority of the public expressed opposition to mixed race relationships. In 2012, concern has fallen to 15% – and just one in twenty of those aged 18–24.

So is Jessica Ennis the ‘face of the Census’?

The British Future report has this data on how attitudes to mixed relationships differ over generations – more so in the case of race than religion.

The report points out that mixed marriages are more likely in Britain, where the dynamics of mixing are different.

It also shows that mixing and integration are, overall, more popular among ethnic minority Britons than their white fellow citizens.

Sunder Katwala from British Future writes:

Across all colours and creeds, the preference is for integration over segregation, but there is more ambivalence about this among white and Asian people, with a fifth of both groups worrying about separate cultures becoming diluted. Those who are black or mixed race, are most likely to see mixing as good in bringing us together.

Whether it is the sporting triumphs of Jessica Ennis and Lewis Hamilton, the pop music of Leona Lewis, or a couple from different races holding hands in the street, mixed Britain is fast becoming the new normal. We are right to worry when integration goes wrong. Maybe we should notice too when we are better at it than we realise.

Originally published by Liberal Conspiracy 

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